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Snap Plaza 8th floor, Bole Next to The Millennium hall. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Jobs by Medecins Sans Frontieres-Belgium (MSF-Belgium)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia www.msf.org

Company Desription

MSF Belgium left Ethiopia in 2013 and got registered mid-March 2021. Resuming under an Emergency perspective, several projects have been opened and closed. Amongst those ones, two (in SNNP and Afar Region) are being re-oriented toward a longer-term perspective. But the strategy to develop an emergency response capacity remains a key component for the years to come.


As a start, a first project has been opened in SNNPR Region. Following tensions in Konso Zone and surrounding Special Woredas - leading to the displacement of an approximate 100,000 IDPs - an assessment conducted in December 2020 led to the opening of a project in January 2021, focused on Measles support, mobile clinics and water provision; Looking toward anchoring our presence in this area toward a more horizontal support to the Primary Health Care system, the strategy – and the Human Resources approach – will operate a drastic turn compare to the existing ones.


In September 2021, an assessment was conducted in the Afar region. The initial intervention was interrupted due to security and resumed mid-March 2022 under a ‘light support’ approach. With the needs increasing, especially related to malnutrition, MSF Belgium decided to extend its presence for a longer period of time and a revised Project Agreement is being discussed.

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