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Snap Plaza 8th floor, Bole Next to The Millennium hall. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Jobs by The Lutheran World Federation World Service - Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Company Desription

LWF World Service

LWF World Service is the humanitarian and development arm of the Lutheran World Federation. We are a widely recognized, international, faith-based organization working in over 20 countries. We seek to bring people of all backgrounds together in the common quest for justice, peace, and reconciliation in an increasingly complex and fragmented world.

 A commitment to the human rights of every individual, regardless of their status, guides our work, actions, and operations. We are particularly known for our timely, compassionate, and professional humanitarian work, and for our field presence in hard-to-reach areas. Our work is people-centered and community- based. Above all, we work with the most vulnerable, and in order to claim and uphold their rights, we engage proactively with local government and community structures.

 LWF Ethiopia’s partners include Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Eyesus (EECMY), Lutheran churches related agencies, the European Commission (ECHO), the US Government (BPRM) and UN Agencies with whom we are a key implementing partner.

 LWF World Service Ethiopia is a registered foreign charity which has been operating in Ethiopia since 1973 implementing various development and humanitarian projects in different parts of Ethiopia.

 LWF World Service Ethiopia is an equal opportunity employer and considers all applicants based on merit regardless of sex, color, religion, ethnicity, age, marital status or disability except for affirmative action in a combination of considering competency to bring gender equity

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