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Snap Plaza 8th floor, Bole Next to The Millennium hall. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Jobs by One Planet International School PLC

Ethiopia https://www.oneplanetschool.com/

Company Desription

One Planet International School is one of the few premium schools in Addis Ababa, entirely owned by the Gail and Zelalem Amare family. It was founded in 2006 with just over 30 kindergarten students. Adding one more class in each of the following years, the school now serves around 550 students from Kindergarten through twelfth grade. While living in the Uited States, Zelalem and Gail had a desire to return to Africa and contribute to the social and economic development of Ethiopia.

With five children of their own, they decided that they could best contribute to Ethiopia’s future and their own children’s future, by opening a school with a holistic approach to education which focuses on both academic excellence and character development.

Why “One Planet”? We are all citizens of a common planet. No matter where we were born, what we look like, or what language we speak… we are all the same people. Our goal at One Planet is to recognize that we are all one people of one planet. We not only need to treat each other with dignity and respect, but we need to take care of our home, planet Earth!



To gently nurture and unravel the unique potential hidden in every child, and to foster in him/her a burning desire to learn and to use his/her unique talents to passionately serve humanity.


Provide a model for educational excellence, where all students achieve their potential and actively contribute to our local and global communities. The school’s long-term vision is to impact the quality of education on a broader scale: “to provide a model of education relevant to the Ethiopian context, to improve the quality of learning, and to ultimately raise a society dedicated to serving humanity.”


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