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Snap Plaza 8th floor, Bole Next to The Millennium hall. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Jobs by Kifiya Financial Technologies

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia https://kifiya.com/

Company Desription
Kifiya is a Digital Finance and Payment Services’ Provider, delivering customer centric products to simplify transactions.  Kifiya leverages innovative technology to build and enable distribution channels that make financial and non-financial services affordable and accessible. The company’s services allow financial institutions, corporates, NGOs and government institutions to deliver their services to customers more efficiently, and for these consumers to easily access and make the transactions to receive basic services.  Kifiya is an Ethiopian owned company that works with partners in the private sector, Development partners, including Master Card Foundation, to increase financial inclusion and services. Our office is in Addis Ababa and other regions, Kifiya is a growing company with over 800 employees.

At Kifiya we value our people, our Human Capital. We offer an innovative and invigorating work environment to enable our people to exercise their talents and grow personally and professionally along with the company. We maintain a professional, yet friendly, environment from which we contribute to our vision of ‘improving the lives of people by making transactions simple, affordable, and within reach’. Our people enjoy opportunities for development and a real chance to make a difference every day.

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