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Snap Plaza 8th floor, Bole Next to The Millennium hall. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Jobs by University Research Co.


Company Desription

URC’s mission is to provide innovative, evidence-based solutions to health and social challenges worldwide.

 URC is well-established as an influential leader in global development. In over 40 countries, from Afghanistan to Zambia and here in the United States, URC is improving the quality and impact of social services and systems, focusing on important areas such education; malaria; maternal, neonatal, and child health care; HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment; and food and nutrition support.

More than just what we do, though, URC has become known for how we do it. Our focus on quality improvement, health system strengthening, research and evaluation, and health communication and behavior change allow us to tackle a wide range of issues with an emphasis on designing and implementing evidence-based solutions.

As we look to the future, we are using our decades of experience to put our approaches at the forefront of key social service issues, while broadening and deepening our technical and geographic reach. By remaining true to our mission to provide innovative, evidence-based solutions to health and social challenges worldwide, URC is poised to improve the well-being of families and their communities for next 50 years, and beyond.

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