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Snap Plaza 8th floor, Bole Next to The Millennium hall. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Jobs by Project HOPE The poeple to people health foundation Inc.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia www.projecthope.org

Company Desription
We believe in a universal right to be healthy and thrive, and we envision a world where everyone has access to the health care needed to reach life’s full potential.

Our Mission

Our mission, as a global health and humanitarian relief organization, is to place power in the hands of health care workers to save lives across the globe. We are committed to transforming lives and uplifting communities by empowering health care workers to expertly implement and teach innovative lifesaving solutions in times of need and into the future.

Project HOPE operates around the world wherever the need is greatest, working side-by-side with health care workers and their communities, addressing the greatest public health challenges to enable people to live their best lives. We respond to disasters and health crises and stay on in communities long after disaster strikes to help find solutions to epidemics and any other neglected health needs.

We believe that by planting the seeds of success in local communities, we can help people realize their vision for a healthy future.

After 60 years of service to patients, training health workers and building medical infrastructure from the ground up, we know that real success comes down to how well the health workforce — the doctors, nurses and community health teams — are trained, motivated and supported with evidence-based solutions.

We focus on improving maternal, neonatal and child health; fighting infectious and non-communicable diseases; and responding to disasters and health crises.

With agility and compassion, we nurture the health workforce globally so they can teach, heal and find sustainable solutions to complex public health issues in their communities.


Since 1958, we have:

  • Provided health care for tens of millions of people in more than 100 countries over 60 years
  • Trained over 1 million health workers
  • Delivered over $3.1 billion of medicines and supplies

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