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Snap Plaza 8th floor, Bole Next to The Millennium hall. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Jobs by CGCOC

Ethiopia http://en.cgcoc.com.cn

Company Desription
In 1983, a group of yellow-skinned Chinese people arrived at Nigeria with their professional engineer equipments. They went to Nigeria as part of Chinese aid project to help drill wells for water supply. That group of helpers could not have thought that in the 30 years afterwards, groups upon groups of Chinese people worked here, dedicating their youth, toil and even young life to this particular place.
To facilitate subsequent projects and to capitalize the bright prospect of China-Africa cooperation, the then Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources decided to establish CGC NIG LTD, based on the aid projects. The prototype of CGCOC Group thus came into existence.
Generations and generations of pioneers worked in this wonderful land and wove their efforts and diligence into many successful stories. Over the course of 20 years, the then small company has now grown into a major and renowned corporation in Nigeria.
In 2002, CGC Group and Sinopec Star Petroleum Co, Ltd. solicited share investment from other interested institutions and individuals to form CGCOC Group, on the basis of CGC NIG Ltd.
Ever since then, CGCOC Group was ushered in a new journey and rapidly grew into a multinational corporation with its footprint across the international market.

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