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Snap Plaza 8th floor, Bole Next to The Millennium hall. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Jobs by ABH Partners PLC

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia www.abhpartners.com

Company Desription


Founded in 2007, ABH Partners PLC is a leading consultancy and human resources sourcing management firm in Ethiopia with over eleven years of experience in supporting the implementation of development programs and projects. ABH exists to fuel synergistic societal growth by harnessing local knowledge and international standard. Dedicated to the betterment of societal development, technical assistance and knowledge management, ABH has gained credibility and industry experience in the development sector in general and the public health sphere of Ethiopia in particular. ABH focuses on knowledge management as the enabler and cross-cutting theme across its four major service lines or core competencies: Consultancy, Survey Management, Training and Implementation of projects and programs.


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